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Face Surgery Parma – Italy

Face surgery after the restyling...

Date: 2022
Place: Parma, Italy
Category: Private surgery clinic

For this maxillofacial surgery clinic, we wanted to give a linear design, with the use of blue and green shades, to obtain an extraordinary effect of hygiene, safety and reliability which represent the most important values ​​on which users rely for the choice of the clinic to which to entrust their care.Photographer Aaron Rose used to say: “In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary”, the sentence reflects the importance of lighting on the perception of what is achieved. The light impacts on the emotions and on the welcoming atmosphere that you want to create … for this reason we have played with external and recessed LED bars to enhance the front office, that is the first environment that the public encounters.

...the project...

...before the restyling...

For this Maxillofacial Surgery clinic we were asked to study the interior design and the planning of the internal spaces, radically changing the look of the medical center. When we arrived it looked like this: classic, dominated by warm colors and wooden tones, with long corridors that clashed with the current interior architecture of medical practices. Furnishing and renovating a medical center requires professionalism and knowledge of regulations. After the first inspection and an open dialogue with the owner of the centre, we developed an architectural design that completely changed the appearance of the clinics and reception, communicating modernity, professionalism, contemporaneity and aesthetic taste to the patients.

The Architectural Projects Atelier



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